You pay only for space you occupy. Your stock is secured and insured in a modern facility.
Take benefit of our quantitative discounts and European coverage, we usually reduce the costs by 20-50%.
Our volume allowed us to build our own transport services within an EU, combined with our last-mile delivery partners we are way too fast and still affordable.
Storage, shipments, and returns in the whole of Europe will be handled by us. Your only duty is to supply us with stock. At the end of the month, you receive one invoice for everything.
Our staff and warehouse space grow monthly. We have rich experience with seasonal peaks.
We always deliver on time.
We are open to provide value-added services. Choose your packing material. We may insert any marketing materials into the package. Branding is a key in the modern e-commerce.
You and your customers receive a dedicated person to contact in case of any problem. We provide bilingual support.